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VitaStik Acrylic Display Stick Holder - Retail / Show Vitamin Sticks

VitaStik Counter-Top Display Rack

Used to help showcase, display, and dramatically boost your sales of The Vitamin Essential Oil Diffusers. Does not come with vitaminvape diffuser sticks unless you choose that package or buy separate. 

Works for VitaStik and any other of our Vitamin Essential Oil Sticks. 

  • DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY STICKS (comes empty with display case only)
  • 5 inches wide
  • 18 inches tall
  • holds 15 - 30 or 45 sticks at a time (depending on configuration you use)
  • can be used to demonstrate the product
  • comes with mouth piece tester tip tray and mini tester-trash bin. ONLY IF IN STOCK. 
  • dramatically boosts in store sales
  • holds our 3 page mini-booklets for customers (directions booklet), that each customer should be given with each purchase

Collections: Bulk VitaStick Wholesale

Category: Wholesale